10 things to make this year the best year yet

10 things to make this year the best year yet

We have big plans for 2019; to live intentionally while spending time with the people who matter, and cooking more adventurously! I don’t know about you, but good friends and good food help keep me grounded, especially when going through big transitions.

With such big plans for the year, we have been thinking about how to set ourselves up for success in the new year. Read on to find out what some of our favorite things are for achieving our best year yet…

6 can't-miss places to eat in Woodstock, Vermont

6 can't-miss places to eat in Woodstock, Vermont

Vermont has always been a destination we sneak away to any chance we can. From our home in DC, it is a drive that can take around nine hours, so it takes some planning to make the trip! But, oh my, is it ever worth it! We seem to eat and drink REALLY well every single time we visit. If it’s not ridiculously delicious home cooked meals with family, then it’s heading into Woodstock for some tasty bites. Here’s a list of some of our favorite spots to eat while visiting family in Woodstock, Vermont

How to be a kickass godmother (just add travel)

How to be a kickass godmother (just add travel)

I came to the realization that for me, experiences are more important than giving her toys, games, clothes, or other material goods for my young goddaughter. (Don't get wrong though, I can't help but spoil her occasionally with such things!) I decided that for the most part, in lieu of material gifts as she grows up, I will tuck away money each time she celebrates a birthday or holiday, and when she's older, we will use those tucked away funds to take a trip together.

My Why

My Why

spiration is a funny thing, isn't it? It's what awoke me at 2:30am just now and is propelling this flow of words onto the page. It rears its strong head and the only thing I can do is ride it out and see where it takes me.

I've loved to write since I was a little girl. At some point I realized that writing is just a written form of talking and as soon as I made that connection, nothing could hold me back.

I love to write simply. Yet my mind is a complicated place. And I sort of love that tension. The best place for that tension to take hold is when I get lost writing about travel.

How to host a simple Italian al fresco feast with friends

How to host a simple Italian al fresco feast with friends

After our cooking class in Florence where we learned all the secrets of Italian cuisine, AND after investing in the bible of Italian cooking, we decided to throw a small dinner party with a few friends as a reason to put our skills to use. (That, and we had a great bottle of champagne that we wanted to share!)

This is our menu plan for an exquisitely Italian al fresco feast with friends that you can make, too!

What I packed for a late-summer trip to the beach

What I packed for a late-summer trip to the beach

This weekend we made a last minute trip to the beach with my brother-in-law and his girlfriend. Avalon, New Jersey was our destination, which is where my BIL's girlfriend's family has a house. Looking forward to the weekend was a great incentive to power through the workweek!

With temperatures on the Jersey Shore topping out at a cool 70 degrees, and evening temps dipping into the 50s, I knew that packing for this trip would take a slightly different strategy than your typical mid-summer scorcher.

Wine Tasting on the Couch: Soraie

Wine Tasting on the Couch: Soraie

In this series of blog posts, we open a bottle -- and a browser -- to investigate where the wines we love come from.  A mini travel experience without leaving the couch! 

Today, we had to write about Soraie from the Cecilia Beretta winery, one of Eliza's favorite wines. It was fun to pour a glass and Google away to see where this bottle of goodness originated.