My Why

My Why

Why I write

Inspiration is a funny thing, isn't it? It's what awoke me at 2:30am just now and is propelling this flow of words onto the page. It rears its strong head and the only thing I can do is ride it out and see where it takes me.

I've loved to write since I was a little girl. At some point I realized that writing is just a written form of talking and as soon as I made that connection, nothing could hold me back.

I love to write simply. Yet my mind is a complicated place. And I sort of love that tension. The best place for that tension to take hold is when I get lost writing about travel.

When I think about some of the best experiences of my life, I associate them all with place. Whether it was at my grandmother's kitchen counter or at the top of the Eiffel Tower, it thrills me to imagine the number of unique memories that could have happened at the same place for many other people.

Why I blog

I could easily keep all this writing to myself. But that's no fun for anyone. I live off the challenge and accountability of putting my words into the world.

By official profession, I'm a User Experience Designer. This means I get to think about, and empathize with, people all day. I consider their point of view, and design online experiences that are useful to their particular needs.

I love the analytical side of researching people's pain points -- what's keeping them up at night? How can the work I do improve their struggles? And how can I draw off of the best practices out there to design something that fits their mental model of the world.

Why I travel

My first international trip was when I was just 15 years old, and I have barely stopped since then. At least every year or two I would jump on a plane and cross an ocean for either business or for fun. There were a few times when I was lucky enough to have just a couple weeks pass between achieving fresh new stamps in my passport.

And to be clear, travel isn't only about international voyages.

Just today, in fact, Paul and I had a traveling adventure and we didn't stray more than 25 miles from home. We checked out a tiny beach along the Potomac River, did some shopping, tried out a brewery, and had a bite to eat. It took very little planning, and it was so nice to get away from our normal Saturday routine. That's what I love about travel. It wakes you up. It inspires you. It makes life worth living. And it doesn't have to be anything extreme. Paul and I love trying new restaurants in our area. We treat dinner out as a mini adventure where we can step into a restaurant and be immersed in a new culture, if even for just a few hours. (And a leisurely walk or Uber ride home after certainly beats a pricey plane ride 😊)

To me, travel is soaking up the moment.

I travel because I feel so alive and humble when I do. I get to experience something in a way that goes against the cultural norms I'm used to. That tension is what keeps me going, keeps me writing, keeps me sharing my stories through my blogging, and keeps me focused on making the world feel just a little smaller.

My Why is You

I do all of this to serve our readers. Is there an experience of mine, that if shared with the world, might help just one person? Done. I'll share it. 

I get it, travel can be scary and stressful and expensive and so much to deal with...I'm here to help you go for it.

So tell me, dear reader, is there something you want to hear? Something that may enhance your future travels? The inspiration for this entire experience is simply to share my stories with you, with the hope that my perspective may inspire something in you.

Drop me a line if you, too, have something you'd like to share with me!